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Father Forgive Them

Trial and Crucifixion

Text from the King James Version of the Bible

Music and Additional Lyrics by Vaughn W North

Christ was taken from Gethsemane by the Temple guard to Jerusalem, where he was tried, tortured and ultimately crucified. During this video you will hear alternating sections sung by the respective women and men of the choir. The words sung by the women (left column) represent the taunting crowd shouting, “Crucify Him” and challenging Him to save Himself. The words sung by the men (right column) offer quiet thoughts the Savior might have felt during this ordeal.


[Taunting Crowds]

Crucify Him! Crucify Him!


Crucify Him! Crucify Him!




Crucify Him! Crucify Him!





If Thou be Christ.

Then save Thyself!

He saved others,

Himself He cannot save.


If Thou be King,

Come from the cross,

Down from the cross.


If Thou be king, save Thyself!

He saved others,

Let Him save Himself.

Canst Thou save Thyself?

Save Thyself.





He calls Elias.

Let us see if Elias will come to Him.

[Distant heavenly choir]

Father, the hour is come.

Glorify Thy Son.


It is but just a moment,

And all eternity shall shine.

But for now these tears that fall,

This pain that tears my flesh,

These drops of blood I shed for all mankind,

All this must be is the Father’s will.

Father forgive them,

For they know not what they do.

Father, forgive them;

Forgive them in Thy Love.

Give me the strength,

To bear the pain

for all mankind.


It is enough,


To feel Thy love,

For me and all mankind.

It is enough...enough.






All this shall be but a memory,

Lost in the wonder of atonement,

For all mankind.

I feel weary.

My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?




It is finished.

Into Thy hands I commend my spirit.

It is finished. Father, receive my soul.